

American term, equivalent to the English term "bar", signifying the smallest metrical divisions of a composition, containing a fixed number of beats, marked off by vertical lines on the staff.Also [Am.] measure; [Eng.] bar; [Fr.] mesure; [Ger] Takt; [It.] misura. English term of the Renaissance and Baroque eras signifying a group of dance steps that could be performed to one strain of dance music.One unit of meter, consisting of a number of accented and unaccented beats. A measure is indicated in music notation by bar lines.The period of a musical piece that encompasses a complete cycle of the time signature, e.g., in 4/4 time, a measure has four quarter-note beats.<br><br>One unit of meter, consisting of a number of accented and unaccented beats. A measure is indicated in music notation by bar lines<br><br>The grouping of a number of beats in music.