

The production of sound from the vocal chords, often used in music. The voice falls into six basic categories defined by pitch, ranging, from bottom to top, Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Contralto, Mezzo Soprano, and Sopranos(three male and three female). The voices are sufficiently different in timbre to be easily distinguished, even when singing the same pitch. Two exceptions are the Castrato and Countertenor in the male voice which are rare. Also [It.] voce.See also singing, soprano, mezzo soprano, contralto, castrato, countertenor, tenor, baritone, bass, head voice, chest voice, voce di testa, and voce di petto.The term is also used in reference to a single melodic line of music (either vocal or instrumental) in a polyphonic composition.is used technically in music to indicate a particular musical line, even if this is intended for an instrumentalist and not a singer. The American 'voice-leading' is the equivalent of the English 'part-writing', writing different parts or lines of music for simultaneous performance<br><br>1) In synthesizers, a pitch that can be played at the same tine as other pitches are sounded. 2) In Yamaha synthesizers, a term meaning the same thing as Sound Patch (one sound that can be created by the synthesizer).